Pioneer DJ DDJ-RB and DDJ-RR RekordBox DJ controllers

Pioneer DJ announce new RekordBox DJ controllers, DDJ-RB and DDJ-RR. Adding to their existing DDJ-RX and RZ controllers, Pioneer DJ have today announced their new...

Stop press! New Allen & Heath Xone:96

Allen & Heath Launch Xone: 96 mixer Since 2003, the Xone:92 has been a staple in DJ booths around the world; with its 4 band...

Pioneer DJ release the DJM-750 Mk2 mixer

The new Pioneer DJM-750mk2 mixer. Just announced today, the DJM750mk2 will replace both the DJM750 and DJM850 mixers. The good news is that it comes...

Reloop Announce RP-8000 mk2

Reloop announce RP-8000 mk2 - A TT beast for Serato DJ Pro Before I give you the lowdown, Reloop are describing the RP-8000 mk2 as: ....Lets...
Denon all in one controller

Denon DJ Prime 4 – full standalone system announced!

Denon DJ Prime 4 - 4 channel standalone system announced! Holy DJ controller mic drop Batman! Denon DJ has been busy indeed, with the new...

Denon DJ announces Prime Streaming *updated*

Denon DJ announces Prime Streaming At 3 pm this afternoon we saw two words light up our inbox: Prime Streaming. Denon DJ has been keeping...

Meet the new Pioneer DDJ-1000 RekordBox DJ controller

Pioneer's new DDJ-1000 RekordBox DJ Controller. The Pioneer DDJ1000 has full size jog wheels with built in full colour displays, 2 banks of 8 performance pads...
Technics SL-1200GR

Technics SL-1200GR coming soon and half the price.

Technics have just announced the new SL-1200GR turntable to add to their 'Grand Class' range of Hi-Fi products. It was only a year ago they...

Pioneer DDJ-SB3 is the magic number

Pioneer launches the DDJ-SB3 Serato DJ Controller. Fresh off the updated Serato DJ Lite and Pro launches on Monday, Pioneer have just announced the update...

Pioneer announce the DJS-1000 performance sampler for DJs.

Pioneer DJS-1000 Performance sampler. Pioneer DJ have just announced the new DJS-1000 sampler and performance player. Sound like an odd description? You’re right, it’s hard...