2 years 0% finance on DJ gear

24 months 0% finance on DJ, Production, PA and Lighting gear.

We are happy to announce that we can now offer 24 months interest free credit on all purchases over £300.

Thanks to our new partnership with afforditnow we can offer up to 2 years for you to pay for your new controller, PA system, light show or studio gear. The best part is that we can give you an answer on how much you can borrow straight away and without affecting your credit score.

Hassle free.

Our new provider performs a ‘soft search’ to see how much they are prepared to lend you. This will show on your credit file as ‘soft’ inquiry which only you can see and not other lenders.

This simple process only requires some basic information and normally provides an instant answer. Once you have the agreement in principal, you can chose to continue straight away or up to 30 days later.

Full control.

When you are approved for finance you get your own online account which lets you manage your payments and keep track of the loan. You can make over payments, change the payment dates or take out another loan.

Sounds great, how do I do it?

Visit any one of of three stores with a basic form of ID and a debit card to apply. While we don’t have this new method available on our website, you can drop us an email at info@westenddj.co.uk with what you are interested in buying and your phone number then we’ll get in touch with you.


Let’s say you want to purchase a new DJ controller for £600:

0% finance over 24 months
● Total order value = £600
● 10% deposit = £60
● Total amount of credit = £540
● Duration = 24 months
● Representative APR = 0%
● Interest charged = £0
● 24 monthly payments of = £22.5
● Total amount payable = £600

After you’ve made the first monthly payment, you can change your payment date (normally the 1st of the month) or make an overpayment or pay the full amount owed with no penalty!